News & Views
Water Features: Adding and Removing Water

Interestingly a water feature design is only as good as its weakest link, and although you may think you’ve considered all the factors, just one missing part can mean a big investment going wrong.
Clearly water is an important element to water features and fountains. There are a number of considerations for adding it and also, which is quite often overlooked, the removal of it.
Generally speaking, you will add water on the first fill up, with additional water as it depletes. The loss of water will be via evaporation and or water spray, the latter being water that’s not captured within the water source.
Good water feature and fountain designs should consider water spray closely as it will reduce water usage, time and effort to top up and can mean the difference between an attractive water feature and one that has puddles or damp patches around the outside looking very unprofessional. It’s one of the core skills that a water feature specialist must possess and in certain designs is the most difficult to calculate to offer the best design.
Water can be added manually by buckets, hoses or Tills Innovations offer automatic water top up systems. If you’re considering manually filling / topping up, then having a tap nearby will limit the length of hose needed to fill. A short length of hose with a quick release connector for the job can easily be made up and stowed away.
If you would like the water feature to be automatically topped up with water, which is critical to certain designs, this must be considered fully. Tills Innovations offer this in two different ways, either mechanically or electronically. Again, the design of the water feature will dictate if either or both are suitable options. Back syphoning needs to be considered and where chemicals are used this should be considered further to meet water regulations.
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